Monday, 8 February 2010

Opened my Folksy shop!

I've been planning it for a few weeks and despite having a few problems with getting the photos right, I've finally opened my shop on Folksy.  It was so easy; I was really impressed.  I've only listed four things so far, but I was really chuffed to see my little heart brooch on the front page! Fingers crossed for some sales.  I'll add some more things tomorrow.

It's been snowing again today so yet again I was a coward when it came to venturing into the garden ~ I forgot to look at the lunar calendar anyway.  I decided to dig a few parsnips (I can just about remember where they are); the snow finished off the leaves so I had to poke around a bit.  It was too cold so I gave up!

Returned to the warm and made another brooch instead

Why do they call ladybirds, bishop barnabees? I haven't a clue!

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